Sunday, April 06, 2014


Today I watched this docu-drama on FX, cable TV, called Bully.

It is about the lives of kids who have been bullied in school in the US. Some ended up committing suicide while their parents pick up the pieces, some found the confidence to stand up for themselves, others got help from the love of their family and loved ones.

It was quite a powerful and poignant film that drove home several messages. 

Firstly, all of us naturally discriminate. 
Let's not kid ourselves. People different from us are stereotyped and generalized. Whether by LBGTQ, race, gender, nationality, size, history, family background, everything! But it is how we react to overcome these mindsets that make a world of a difference to those around us. And that is the important first step to eliminate bullying, period. Don't be an ignorant bully without even realizing it. As one parent rightly said in the show,"You just don't know what another person's been through until you've walked a mile in their shoes.". The parent who said that lost his son to suicide and only during his search for answers as to what drove his son to do it, realized that so many times his son had tried to reach out to him and others but was never paid heed. So sad. Help before it's too late.

Secondly, bullying happens anywhere.
It doesn't have to be school. It could be at the workplace, in public, in any group, heck, even at home. Recognize it and stand up against it. Of course it's easier said than done, especially in our society where we try to mind our own business all the time. Still, it is prevalent anywhere and everywhere. Whether you choose to step up and make a difference is up to you.

Thirdly, make a difference at home.
The toughest part for me, were the cases where the kids see no way out and choose to commit suicide. Only then did the parents speak up, ask questions about society and themselves, and try to make a difference. It drives home the important point that if we all just communicated more at home, get to know our kids better by listening to them, and respecting them for the individuals they are, we would have less regrets in life. Kids who are better loved also grow up more confident, knowing they have their families who've got their backs. That's just so important.

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