Sunday, August 08, 2004

Madness in Denver 1

its way past midnight now and most of the people in andy's house are asleep. its been a wild night.

right from the morning andy and myself(who volunteered for bus duty) went doen to denver with the kids pretty early. we had less kids on the bus as compared to last week, and the kids' parents came so early to pick them up that we were done before noon. so both of us managed to coax the bus driver to give us a short ride to colorado mills, a huge shopping mall in suburbia denver. its the same one brandie brought me to quite some time ago which had the target and borders stores. anyway i found a shop selling glasses and asked if they sell contact lenses. to my astonishment they don't sell them off the counter(like they do in singapore) but instead require a doctor's prescription for them, it being required by state law! horror of horrors! wah lao what the hell?! they scard terrorists use contact lenses to refract the sun's rays and burn down buildings meh! xianz.. means no contact lenses for me. then no time to make glasses somemore. nao hiah.

oh i also bought the zoolander dvd which i will be sending home...

anyway stephanie and brandie came to pick us up about 2hrs later(i had alot of fun shopping, dunno about andy though) and we drove over to andy's house in denver(the one i stayed in during mini-break. we had quite alot of people. there were the 4 of us, kolby nick kevin tyler jason james and justin.

gist was we got alot of booze and they wanted to get drunk before attending the baseball game between the rockies and the cincinnati reds. kevin justin and tyler had earlier been smoking pot(yup its really easy to get that here) and really looked super high and stoned. still we got enough alcohol to serve a platoon. anyways alot of them drank themselves silly, luckily i was sober after 2 bottles of bud lights on an empty stomach. the funny thing about them being really high is that you can tell that they are damn high and yet they are stil sane enoguh to get on with their normal lives like being hungry and not slurring in speech. the only thing we didn't allow the stoned people to do was drive the cars.

so there we were in coors field, its really magnificent and the atmosphere of being in an actual ball game is trully somewhat overwhelming. the rockies won the game 9-5, though we had more fun talking amongst ourselves and having a great ball of time making a fool of ourselves than concentrate on what's going on. still it was heap loads of fun. oh and we met kelly abrams and andrea and her boyfriend there too. too bad ken griffey jr wasn't playing.

argh just got interrupted by andy. will continue another time.

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