Monday, December 30, 2013

3D Printing Is The Future

I guess the whole 3D speculative thingy didn't exactly cause an investing tsunami in our parts of the globe yet, so looking into 2014, it might be when it all starts for Asia to take note. Also will it herald the end of China as a manufacturing behemoth? Or any other manufacturing-reliant countries?

Here are the two most current articles if this is the stuff you're looking at in 2014:
What to look out for when investing in this industry?
How to invest in this industry?

I looked at 3D Systems and Stratasys recently and they're so so so overpriced! So much so that I had to think twice about going in, AFTER getting all set to go in!

Bubble or rational fundamental rise?

I guess for now, either I have to bide my time and wait for a correction or look for the 2nd or 3rd-tier options.

Trade safe.

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