Monday, July 26, 2004

Session 6: PM Riders

this week is the first week since week 1 that i've got pm riding campers(james nocholas brodie). these campers are in the horse program in the camp which mean they ride horses everyday instead of doing the normal activities that the other kids do. i've got travis as co and am still in cherokee. kids are conner cooper tom brodie james nicholas sean and casey. casey is a splitting image of rollie last week and plays most games as well too. he's also the colorado state basketball player of the year last year. impressive.

but what matters are that conner cooper and tom are still around. they're a god-send to have in the cabin and just like most of yesterday, they were like my lieutenents. everytime i need a rule explained i just tell them to explain it. they revel in teh leadership opportunities given to them and they eally like me for offering them this opportunity. even andy says he wished he stayed back in cherokee(he's in blackfoot this week) just so he could be with the kids. conner follows me like a shadow and is always trying to talk to me about different things and asking me about things i do back in singapore. it was alright at first but its starting to get irritating but yet i really like him alot so i can't bare to tell him to fuck off. anyway i bought candy for them while they were on stayover and from the looks of it they were really grateful.

yesterday i performed my first ever rowdie performance. i taught the whole camp the "titanic song" beforewhich i made up a hilarious tale about how singapore is an island and surrounded by water and ships and i got interested in ships and therefore liked the titanic alot and was sad because it sunk and henceforth made that song up(its a camp thing to always tell a funny story before you begin a song!). glad everyone enjoyed the song.

apart from that i don't have anymore highlights about this week. time's passing so fast aorund here its virtually flying man. week six liaoz. after this week its down to the last two weeks and then almost all the staff will leave. haiz will really be quite sad when they all have to go especially all the good friends. shall try not to let that get me down.

everyday is an adventure.

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