This is really late, but here goes.
The year has started off relatively well.
For the four of us in the family, it is shaping up to be a year of significant changes.
I just hope that it will be net positive for us all in the health, wealth and happiness departments.
So here are my resolutions this year.
1) Average 10K Step Per Day For Whole Year
This one is really difficult. Already we are near end January and I am averaging only 7K the whole month. Anyway let’s see where we end up. This is a combination of three very similar resolutions of similar nature. I’ll just mention them here so I can motivate myself to achieve them all. 1(B) Clock a further run distance than in 2024 (Strava distance of 359km). 1(C) Exercise at least two times a week of an hour each.
2) Lose 3kg (current 85kg)
This one is a little simpler. Exercise more OR eat less. Either way I have to drop my weight so my brittle bones can hold my body up healthily.
3) Earn 100K From Investments
Last year was a weird year. I think I lost money overall but I think I might’ve earned some overall. Hard to put a finger, but it didn’t feel that bad, all things considered. This year, I’d like that to be more certain. Whether it’s my regular stock portfolio, my long term portfolio, my dividend portfolio, or just anything that can rake me some extra dough for retirement.
4) Buy An EV
Hopefully this materializes. We will need to turn in our trusty old Toyota Corolla Altis by April 2026. I’m hoping we have two cars to service the family for a short period. It’d make me feel rich haha, in fact initially I had my sights set on a Tesla Model Y, but after Elon Musk’s Nazi antics and cocky behaviour buying the US presidential win for Donald Trump, I’ve decided to get any EV but a Tesla.
5) Drink Less Alcohol (Max 5 Pints Per Week)
This one looks difficult especially in my new role where I’ve returned to my old role. I’ll really need to work hard to do this if I want to pass this resolution. Let’s see.
Ok there you have it, hopefully I’ll achieve at least three of the five that I’ve set out to better my life this year.