Monday, June 30, 2014

ACL Surgery


Went smoother than I thought.

Hopefully recovery will be as smooth too. I'm already all raring to go.

I must admit I was scared prior to surgery. This being my it's major surgery, it's no laughing matter even if I tried my bestest best to remain stoic, humourous and witty all at the same time. When the doc says there's a 1% chance of things going wrong, it really is quite disconcerting. And I think everyone around me know it too.

Pre-surgery I got a lot of love from family. I so thankful and I feel so lucky. From the wifey, kids, my sis, my bro, dad, mom, it's all very appreciated to be able to make me feel so loved.

I don't remember the last time mom pecked me on my forehead. And she did it twice. Dad woke up uber early for a pre-op hug. Wifey was everywhere I needed her to be.

I am so blessed.

Pre-op I was nervous alright. Packed my stuff the night before, had an early night, fasted as per instructions, woke early to get to the hospital early. Checked in two hours early, prepared the room, prepared paperwork. Then waited.

Got dressed into the silly-looking operating gown, lay on bed, wheeled to operating waiting area, answered repeated questions over and over. Got to know all the nurses and doctors helping with my surgery, then wheeled in operating room. Quick run-through of general anaestesia process, tried to be witty and funny and then suddenly zzzzzz....

Woke up with numb knee, feeling ultra whoozy but coherent. Wheeled back to room, had lunch, ice packed the knee, painkillers wearing off and pain can now be felt. Can feel my toes now. Can lift leg. Can bend a slight angle. Have to pee while on bed, eew. 


Now I just need to recuperate, super power rehab, and make that football career comeback! :P

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