Monday, December 05, 2016

Real Final Mambo Night @ Zouk on Jiak Kim Street

So this was the really final final final night of Mambo at the original premises. I'm sure I must've blogged about previous 'final nights' before, but this was for realz. See all my previous posts dating back more than 10 years ago below this post!!!

The wifey really wanted to go so I wanted to make it happen for her. Thankfully there were the grandparents to help take care of the kids for a night. 

It was definitely one of the best partying nights I've had in a very long while. Kudos to the wifey for holding out till 2.30am. We will do even better next time!

The queue from 9.30pm was already ridiculously long, stretching all the way to the bridge and then some!

Somehow we managed to get in far quicker than expected (luck + skill). It had a Mediacorp private event prior to the gates opening. We actually saw the drunken faces of Kym Ng, Lynn Pok and Vivian Lai, among other celebrities too!

Once in, I took a few pictures for old times sake.
Before taking the stairs down to the dancefloor.
The toilet that doesn't look like a toilet!

Then we started strategizing on how we should organize the night! What kiasu parents we were! At first we wanted to order sour plum shots but then were told it was out, so we chose apple shooters as our choice of poison. The guy said if we waited an hour plus more it'd be 12midnight where everything would be 1-for-1. So we decided to have a beer first. 

Two half pints of Heineken cost me a friggin' $29! So I said what the hey, we can't finish two trays (40 shots) anyway, just pay $165 for a tray of 20 and screw the midnight wait lah.

Wifey managed 6 shots while I could only do 9. So we got a large cup with ice and poured the rest there to be taken down to the dancefloor. 

At the dancefloor things were already buzzing with retro hits flowing so easily. It really was a walk down memory lane. We just stood in the centre close to the podium and like some dance class, just followed the best moves guys on the podium and sang karaoke to the hits. We meet a lot of familiar faces and friends through out.
Look at that. Amazing stuff.

Then some time around 1am we decided (maybe only me) that both of us needed more alcohol so I told wifey to wait for me while I went to buy more. Ended up skipping the queue at Zouk and walking to Velvet to buy four Long Island Teas since it was so much faster.

Ended up giving one away to a friend who was still queuing even by the time I came back from Velvet, and then another jug to another friend who had been on the dancefloor. Wait, where the wifey?!

Immediately rushed into the maddening crowd to find her. Found her alone on the dancefloor with this cute chick talking to her. A gang from Standard Chartered Bank! Ended up partying with them and sharing our drinks until they too went to get more drinks and never came back.

All this while the mambo songs were just so so good, there was really no stopping.

Till I finally see the poor wifey tired and groggy. Asked if she'd like to go home and she nodded. Asked again to confirm, she nodded again. It was around 2.30am. The famous mambo rendition of 'Home' tends to only play at 4am near closing :(

So we staggered out of the club, said our goodbyes, hiked to the bus stop and flagged a cab. Home we went.

What a fantastic night.

Here are some of the references I've had at Mambo night previously!

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