Saturday, August 24, 2024

Team Saxo’s Dream Futsal Run

Posted this on social media last night, and I’m still hurting but hopefully over time I will better appreciate the moments.

To be honest, the feeling is still quite bittersweet right now. Over two weeks Team Saxo from Saxo Singapore played the maximum seven games (pushing my old knees to the limit), and found ourselves on an unexpected run all the way into the Plate semifinals of the #CapitaLand 5v5 Futsal Tournament 2024 this evening. Alas we couldn’t go further and ended up 4th overall. It’s a sucky feeling not to have a medal to show for our efforts having come this far, yet for all our wins and losses, losing key players to injuries, how our makeshift team of Saxonians old and young banded together to go on such a memorable run was something we never thought possible. Also on a personal level to lace my boots once more to compete in my mid40s is something I need to be more grateful of, with no major injuries (just very sore knees) and learning how much more I can still push myself at this age. There will be better days ahead. #teamsaxo #futsal #capitaland5v5 

“If you learn from defeat, you haven’t really lost”

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