Saturday, August 24, 2024

Twentieth Anniversary Of My Blog


Just realized I began blogging 20 years ago!

So this is the twentieth anniversary of this blog.


It’s come such a long long way.


To many more 20 years of rubbish journaling!

Thomson East Coast Line (TEL)

 This line just opened end of June and I love it so much!

Just the other weekend my son and I went exploring the stations.

We went all the way to Upper Thomson station and visited Thomson Plaza.

Then to Maxwell station and visited Maxwell Food Centre.

Then to Katong Park to visit Katong Park.

Then back to Marine Parade to our regular Parkway Parade.

Then off to Shenton Way to study at Asia Square haha.

My Last Competition Goal

 This might just be my final competitive football goal.

It might be time to hang up my competitive boots.

So this was the quarterfinals of the competition yesterday, Team Saxo vs WorldQuant A, and we were tied 0-0 and the game went into best-of-three penalties.

Our opponents WorldQuant A misses their first. 0-0!

My colleague Kenzi scored the first penalty. 1-0!

Our opponents scores their second penalty. 1-1!

I score what would be the winning penalty! 2-1!

Our opponents miss their third penalty. 2-1!

Team Saxo’s Dream Futsal Run

Posted this on social media last night, and I’m still hurting but hopefully over time I will better appreciate the moments.

To be honest, the feeling is still quite bittersweet right now. Over two weeks Team Saxo from Saxo Singapore played the maximum seven games (pushing my old knees to the limit), and found ourselves on an unexpected run all the way into the Plate semifinals of the #CapitaLand 5v5 Futsal Tournament 2024 this evening. Alas we couldn’t go further and ended up 4th overall. It’s a sucky feeling not to have a medal to show for our efforts having come this far, yet for all our wins and losses, losing key players to injuries, how our makeshift team of Saxonians old and young banded together to go on such a memorable run was something we never thought possible. Also on a personal level to lace my boots once more to compete in my mid40s is something I need to be more grateful of, with no major injuries (just very sore knees) and learning how much more I can still push myself at this age. There will be better days ahead. #teamsaxo #futsal #capitaland5v5 

“If you learn from defeat, you haven’t really lost”

My Cute Son

 My boy at around 5yrs old.

Gosh, how fast time flies!

Wifey Sunday Lunches

 The wifey still finds the time to whip out Sunday lunches which are some of the best!

Ever though she’s got to work Saturdays now :(

Haha don’t bother about how it looks, it tastes great.

Also the boy is getting very involved with cooking too!

Happy Birthday To Me

Celebrated my 45th birthday last month.

Damn I’m getting so old!


But a lot of things to be thankful for nonetheless.

Family is doing great.

Health is deteriorating but still in good condition all things considered.

Work is good again all things considered.

Finances are healthy.

Here’s to many many more years of good health, wealthy and happiness!

Celebrated with durians! Mum knows best!

Vung Tau, Vietnam 2024

 Had the chance to go on a really good golf trip in Vung Tau, Vietnam.

Vung Tau is a beach resort town not too dissimilar to Da Nang, about two hours south of Ho Chi Minh City so we flew into HCM, spent two nights in Vung Tau, and one night in HCM.

Vietnam is one of the nicest places in SEA to visit for sure, the people are nice and everything is so cheap!

First game was at a world class resort called The Bluffs Ho Tram Strip and the second game was at another called  Sonadezi Chau Duc.

Really great fun with the brotherhood.

Oh and when in Vietnam, please make sure to try 4P Pizza. It’s available in many major cities in Vietnam and it might be the best pizza you’ll ever have!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Manchester City 1 (7) Manchester United 1 (6)

 It is the 2024/25 season’s opener, the Community Shield.

I didn’t really want to pay it much attention and heck I was expecting Man City to thrash us.

So I was out with friends at ECP Carpark D talking about life, while the match was going on, occasionally checking on for the latest updates.

We got through the first half 0-0, which was great.

Then in the second half it looked like we were playing well.

Then Garnacho scores in the 82min! 0-1!

Thought we were gonna win but alas, Bernardo Silva scores to equalize in the 89min! 1-1!

Then full time whistle was blown and we go to penalties.

Bernardo Silva misses one of the spot kicks! I again I thought we’d win.

Then Jadon Sancho misses!

Then sudden death penalty kicks and Johnny Evans misses.

So we lose 7-6 on penalties.

Was monitoring on this on my phone.

And now I feel like crap.

Hope we win the league this season.


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Max Maeder

 Our new Singaporean inspiration!

Won Bronze at last nights Kitefoiling event at the Olympics!

So proud of him and we were watching the NDP and then his final race right after!

Well done Max!

We’re all so proud of you.

Health Feels Slightly Better

 Maybe because I’m trying to exercise a little bit more.

Maybe because I’m really eating a little healthier. Twice a week salads or zero carb lunches.

Maybe because I’m eating my meds and supplements regularly.

Maybe because I’m less stressed since it’s the summer holidays.

Maybe because I’m less stressed because the wife quit and she’s less stressed.

Maybe because life is going pretty well all around.

God bless.