Saturday, February 05, 2011

Racism In Singapore

Must never be condoned or allowed to thrive in our tiny island, regardless of who is the minority or majority.

Of course there is at least a little bit of xenophobia in everyone of us, and we make a joke out of it in private sometimes. But to let it manifest into racially provoking actions is unforgivable and dangerous.

The very fragile fabric of our nation depends on everyone's understanding and tolerance, otherwise we risk thrusting our generation back into the old days of firm division of race and religion.

And what good will that do for our society?

I thought that our society had come a long way as an educated and openminded nation, but sadly I still see alot needs to be done in terms of our racial attitudes and actions.

NS and HDB-living has definitely helped this integration of races in amazing ways. Yet is it enough?

We're all mature adults. Time to show abit of that maturity in our society today.

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