Saturday, July 19, 2008

Thanks For Last Night, Guys!

Sorry I haven't been blogging for such a long time.

Last night was one spectacular night. We had our corporate bowling function, where the boyz helped celebrate my birthday as well, and then we went opposite to Thumper to drink ourselves silly.

The bowling event became a drinking game between Tony, A and myself. If one of us striked or spared then the other two would drink a third of a can of beer. If we didn't, then we'd have to drink a third of a can of beer ourselves. Knocked ourselves pretty high in two games.

Then J bought a cake for me and YL was on the speaker asking the whole company to sing me a birthday song hahaha. Was real funny. I'm not sure if anyone expected that.

Afterthat we still adjorned to Thumper to kill ourselves. I think we ordered 2 bottles of Martell just to get us a nice seat in the house. Then while half of the guys were searching for a seat at the liveband area, four of us (J, Tony, Brandon and me) sneakily finished up one bottle of Martell by ourselves in 20mins!!!!!

Right upon finishing that I went outside to puke my guts out by the drain. It was abit of a blur but I thoroughly remember on my re-entry the door-bitch allowed me to cut the queue to ask me "Were you that guy puking just now?" I just said yes and she let the whole lot of us back in!!! Hahaha...

Then it was back to the liveband area where we sang and drank somemore until we finally dragged ourselves home.

Was trully an enjoyable night. I love you guys. Thanks for everything. Memories are made of this.

I'm still drunk right now as I type...and the wifey is complaining that I reek of alcohol and puke...

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