Saturday, July 09, 2005

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

just watched the dvd last night.

i've gotta say i really didn't like it at first. somehow it all looked like a typical indie artsy flick to me. some boring drama i don't normally appreciate. in fact i skipped a scene and jumped to scene 5 where the movie credits began(told you it was artsy) and the movie kinda started for me.

i dunno what is it with the show but by the end of it i was thinking to myself what a good and powerful show this was. its the kinda show like magnolia(tom cruise) and the butterfly effect(ashton kutcher), the make-you-think-about-alot-of-what-ifs-and-whys kinda show. i don't normally digest these shows so easily.

i thought the concept was refreshing. if there was a day that technology allowed for the washing away of a certain memory in our lives and we'd wake up the next day not having any recollection of the memory one bit. would people bite into this trend like a hungry cow? or would we all shun it for any perceived lack of ethics. i dunno. i do wonder to myself if there're bitter memories that i would like to erase, events that i'd like to seriously think that it never happened before. i dunno. i was up till abit late. but no leh, couldn't come up with anything. my memory may be like a sieve but whatever i have inside for better or worse i'd like to keep, thank you.

so maybe thats why it was only when joel realised that he'd lose forever certain memories of clementine(oh my darling, oh my darling) that he thought he wanted to lose because they were bitter and spiteful, that he wanted to take them all back. perhaps there were things in these upsetting events that were worth keeping? perhaps there were little things in these memories that contributed to the person he is today. and without those memories, would a person be the same again after they were erased? i don't think so.

perhaps that is why they say there is a silver lining around every dark cloud. in the optimistic point of view, regardless of how sad, bitter or miserable an event has occured, there is always something positive to look forward to. but only if you care to find it. the end of something is always the beginning of something else. a better thing perhaps? depends on how you look at it. many people get down and depressed easily these days. they get knocked and they fall by the wayside, thinking life is no use going on. but the strong rise again to face the next, tougher challenge. what doesn't kill you will only makes you stronger. and stronger you will definitely be for every experience point gained in the course of your life, be it mentally or physically(well mostly mentally would be best)...

okie so i liked the movie. i liked the movie so much i went back to the start and watch the movie all over till the opening credits of scene 5. then i couldn't sleep for quite long.


on a lighter note, i'm just back from my ippt at bedok camp.

almost died running the 2.4km. but lo and behold, i did well enough to earn $200!! whoohoo! kudos to lincoln for encouraging me and inspiring me to cheong the final lap(i thought i didnt have a chance in hell!). felt super faint and had to rest by the steps for quite awhile before i could stagger to the upper east coast hawker centre for drinks. still, it was an ippt worth going for. yay money!

lincoln the chao turtle may be inspirational. we were doing sit-ups and now at bedok sibeh hi-tech siah all the stations all computerised and every sit-up or chin-up got sensor wan leh...mai xiao xiao. anyway the chao turtle and i were side by side doing sit-ups then we hit 40 and we had max points but he did one more, so i did one more to tie his score, but upone seeing me do so he did one i did one more again and he noticed and did one more...on and on until i hit 43 sit-ups and he hit 44 and i gave up. sibeh boliao. haha. you win lah!

going for basketball at vjc next!

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