Sunday, June 30, 2024

Hanoi, Vietnam 2024

Just back from a bros trip to Hanoi, Vietnam. 

It is early summer and already very hot and humid. Daily temperatures were around 35°-38°C but humidity was constantly >80%. So this was uncomfortable and excruciating at times.

That was the only bad part. Lots of good things going for Hanoi. I travel to Ho Chi Minh City a lot but this is my first time to Hanoi.

The locals here in the north are definitely friendlier. The whole city is a little more backward and quaint. It is like early nineties China imho. Things are really cheap (thanks to our strong SGD). Food is certainly delicious.

We stayed at the Old Quarter which was the more interesting part of the city but also more chaotic. Lanes were all one way sized but motorcycles were zooming past in all directions. Pavements were either used as motorcycle parking areas or extended shop fronts, so we were walking on the roads most times.

Went to many local tourist attractions and Michelin-star restaurants by day and then fancy dinners and cocktail bars by night. On the second last day we went out of the city to Ninh Binh to visit the Pagoda city, see Trang A river, and climb the Lying Dragon Mountain.

All in it was a really good bros trip this time around.

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