Friday, June 24, 2005

Mambo MaMa

okay, so when did blogger get bought over by some chinese corporation?!?! is china really taking over the world?

yay! i got the comp in my room installed with internet access!! whoo!!! means now chuen's comp mine nad pa's all have access to the www.

anyway last night when to mambo with chun and fen. supposed to show a thing or two to fen about what clubbing is all about. got off to a bad start when i met up with them at cityhall and walked towards mhd sultan. geez.

must be getting old.

in all it was pretty okie. pity the good music only started as we were about to leave. we downed 1 flamer(chun had 2) and shared 2 jugs of vodka ribena. was quite a good session but guess cheonging's not fen's thing lah.

surpirisingly zouk wasn't crowded till like after midnite. anyone knows why?

the other highlight yesterday was my meeting with wenli noor and meijiao to discuss meijiao and myself's hosting of noor and wenli's wedding. i'm actually pretty surprised that the program has not been confirmed and quite alot of things still haven't been settled. still i'm really happy for them that they're getting married.

for the uninitiated, wenli and noor were my primary school mates. same class with wenli since pri 4 and same class with noor in pri 6. and they both sat beside each other in pri 6 somemore. and now they're getting married. so cool rite?

so over dinner at this halal thai restaurant at cityhall call sakura(if any of you intend to have something there, erm, i'd say the food is only so-so) we kinda decided on quite alot of things. alot of details meijiao and myself will have to work out ourselves. quite sketchy most things seem. haiz just hope i dun crack some really cold and inappropriate joke and silence that whole ballroom with only cricket sounds. no one would invite me to emcee at weddings ever again.

was bad enough that i though alcohol was gonna be served. noor, incidentally is muslim. and so is wenli now.


weddings next saturday! so soon! and meijiao and i are only gonna rehearse like erm, 2-3hrs before the wedding? ho-boy...but hte good thing is that its gonna be pretty simple lah, nothing really exceptionally fancy, just the simple cut cake, speech and champagne toast thats all.

so meijiao and i thought about how we'd just pepper our introductions and appearances with retro banter, like

* how we used to squat along the school carpark roadside to brush our teeth to the tune of the dental nurse's "up-2-3-4, down-2-3-4!".

* religiously watch he-man, transformers, mask, carebears, aksi mat yo-yo, bin fen ba san, ko pi oh.

* how cheap food in the canteen was, 10c drinks, 20c noodles, 30c prata, but 50c yakult, though back then got free toy.

* poll the audience to see how many people were actually members of the bookworm club.

* how we loved magazines and books like young generation, bookworm books, noddy, hardy boys, nancy drew, magic faraway tree.

* how last time textbooks had stupid characters like mr wally mr magoo and mr yakki and the standard names were always peter raju peihua ali mary fatimah. fatimah was always the fat character.

* how last time once recess was over the bell rang once and everyone had to freeze while the prefects go around catching people who were still moving. only after the 2nd bell then everyone could move again. si beh boliao.

* how we would collect and play rubber and bottlecaps. lotsa skill involved.

and list goes on and on and on...

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