Friday, June 04, 2004

I Rock!

yesterday we had cluster training. there're 5 clusters to choose from. these are the things we will be teaching once the kids come to camp. so we kinda got a taste of what the clusters do during the whole(cos we're gonna belong to that particular cluster throughout the summer) summer. the following clusters are:

these are the ropes course specialists from low ropes to high ropes and confidence courses

these are riflery and archery specialists who will teach both these skills to the kids

these are the outdoor camping specialits who teach outdoor skills and camp survival and orienteering

here you help the barn staff tend the horses and help the kids out with them. no experience required.

finally these are the arts and craft and sports and games people

i chose the general cluster as my first choice because i hope to teach sports and games since i feel more confident with that. my second and third choices were ropes and outdoor respectively. ah whatever it hardly matters.

anyway during dinner i got was awarded camp chief ouray 2004's first U-ROCK award for the hitting the bullseye while at target cluster training on my first archery attempt. cool. its so cool like the winner of the award has to go up and make a speech and it was kinda overwhelming. i just mentioned that i was lucky to hit it and blah and then went on to mention what a great time i was having and how nice everyone was and how spectacular a time i was having here. i got a standing ovation and the big 'O' cheer!! haha.

okie anyway today was even more fun. we had WHITE WATER RAFTING!!! so fun!!! but these arn't as tough as when i as in nepal where the rapids were class 3. here its mostly just 1s and 2s. we were lucky cos the whole morning hte sun was out and it was warm. then halfway through the journey just before lunch we stopped at this very steep cliff which i forgot the name and we could do a CLIFF JUMP there!!! wow. it was 30feet high. so thats about 10m. was a challenge by choice thing. so i decided i should go do it. it was super duper high and when i got up and it was my turn to jump, just about everyone(8 boats of 7-8ppl) were chanting 'chris! chris!' haha then it was 'speech! speech!' wah lao eh damn xiong man this whole internatinal ounsellor thing. anyway i screamed out 'this is for singapore! and cco(camp chief ouray!) and the simpsons(my family)!' to the wild cheers of the audience below. haha. was quite funny.

the jump took like 3secs long and then once i hit hte water, it was freezing cold!!!! argh forgot about that!! anyway i was shivering by the time i got out. but jen was asking me to go do it once more with her because we still had time and no one else on our boat wanted to do it, so i sportingly agreed! haha. and this time the second jump i screamed "this is my seco.." the rest i was drinking water liao...haha

anyway everyone found it quite cool and stuff. shite. gotta go liao. andrea's chasing me and threatening to read my blog. am in the library now. gonna continue later. going to alco and safeway(two huge departmental stores) with andrea and andy now.


okie just back in the camp chief ouray office after soccer in the kiva gym. i sucked today but still had a good time. my fingers are sore cos this argentinian cook kicked me in the hand...

anyway as a continuation to my day, after the cliff jump, which i did twice, we stopped pretty nearby for lunch. we had paper bagged bread with cheese and ham. then a thunderstorm swept in. sibeh suay bong man. i was already shivering from the cold from my jump and everyone could tell i was cold("weather too cold for you chris?" - says kelley while she's just in her bloody on-piece). wah lao eh the ang mohs here are damn power siah, got chance to wear bikini or swimsuit only confirm everything off wan. haha. i think they got this exhibitionist streak in them, even though erm...i think their bodies leave much to be desired but i dowan to kenna whack.

so anyway there is was shivering like a dildo and people start coming to give me rub-downs, i mean it feels good lah but they can't do it forever and no one has an extra shirt and i had to take my shirt off because my dri-fit adidas shirt wouldn't dry in time. so we had to re-launch to get going and i was just in my lifejacket and surfer's berms(strong right?). then it started to rain. nao hiah rain nevermind, the wind blew through the canyon somemore. xianz. so i was super duper cold and shivering and getting wet and i thought i was gonna catch hypothermia pretty soon. well funnily enough i didn't. the moment we reached shore everyone made way for me to run like the flash back up the bus. haha. only there did i manage to warm down. wow. good experience. next time i'll be bringing a jacket along. haha.

okie so when we got back to camp it was night's off!! hooray!! that's when i got dragged to hernando's for pizza. not too cheap, i paid about us$9 for my share, but it was really good. we totally jam packed the whole restaurant man. we occupied most of the place and the place was just full of our people. haha so cool and we were making such a huge ruckus, AND best of all i started telling my qian bian wen da ti(those that they could understand like what does bruce lee like to drink and what colour is thunder) its damn funny when you see them totally crack up and wanna beat me up man haha. such fun. the restaurant was also quite interesting because the walls of the place was just covered with us$1 bills that customers have drawn on with crayons so when u go in the whole restaurant looks just like a money house actually. haha.

okie following that i went to the library(was really small but interesting!) to use the internet. and then to alco/safeway to buy a new sweat shirt and a magazine with andy and andrea.

tomorrow is prom night!!!!

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